Business Group

Group of Companies

25 Years

of Excellence

Our company New Om Khadya Udyog has been established on BS 2043 in Alau, Birgunj, Parsa, Nepal. This company focuses on the production of quality rice. This plant is capable of producing 50 MT (Metric Ton) of rice with the help of well qualified, skilled and experienced managerial staffs to oversee the operations.

Over the last 25 years, we have upgraded all the technology available in the market for manufacturing quality and quantity-oriented products with environmental safe-guards.

Our Sister Concerns

Om International Traders

Ghantaghar, Link Road, Parsa, Nepal
Tel : 00977 – 51-52-5959
Email : [email protected]

Om Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Alau, Parsa, Nepal
Tel : 00977- 9855020922
Email : [email protected]